what i'm wearing: checked skirt, Zara, in bottoms
lace back sheer top, in tops
chiffon scarf, vintage, in accessories
studs and sequin hairband, Accessorize, in accessories
stud spike slip-ons, the scarlet room, in shoes
its spring time and the best season to mix and match all sorts of prints ranging from spotted, striped, plaid, chevron or lace! heres my back to school fashion - in my imagination. technically, my school makes us wear uniforms so if i appeared to class dressed like this, i would have broken my school rules on 3 counts,which r :
no shoes without laces
no hair to be untied
and absolutely no wearing of our own clothes
and most likely given a detention and criticized to death by the teachers for indecent exposure of too short skirts. ps. they would like us to be dressed like nuns. well, i hope everyone is having a great week, because i have been studying and studying ! its my family's reunion dinner tonight,oh yeah chill time!