" I went to Zambia, Africa last December with a group of my friends; they actually founded an organization in 2007 that aims to alleviate education levels in Africa. The organisation is still mostly student-run, where the executive committee is made up of Uni (then-JC) students. It's called C-Africa and we're still trying to get a website up and running properly but in the meantime we have a Facebook page. Feel free to visit it and like it ! http://www.facebook.com/pages/C-Africa/108241029236998
Anyhow, I realize that one will never really truly understand how much poverty some Africans have to endure until you go there and see and experience it for yourself. There was this slum area where the whole place was covered in shelters made of the black garbage bags and like long sticks. Then you'd see this woman peeking out from under it, with her brood of children around her. It sounds painfully dramatic but I was shocked to see that's how they actually live. And some families can even have around 12-15 children because they take the roaming orphans in from the streets and raise them as their own. So to see the extent of wasted human potential was really really heartbreaking and I really want to try and help, even if it is one kid at a time.
I'm 19, 20 in December. The bursary scheme is a new introduction by the organization; right now it's only open to people who are/were part of the organization, but we hope to open it up to the public in the near future. We're just trying to get the infrastructure placed down properly to ensure that all our money goes to the children, and not to..... other places. "
her donations come from her sales, as seen on the image above, every item sold, a small amount of $5 would be donated.
here is her link : http://heavywithlight.livejournal.com/
do contact her at petal.prancer@gmail.com
to the lady with a big heart,
thank you for your time , Kim and i would be looking forward to helping and taking part in this amazing sponsoring program you've got going. may god bless and i hope this helps! :)
do contact her at petal.prancer@gmail.com
to the lady with a big heart,
thank you for your time , Kim and i would be looking forward to helping and taking part in this amazing sponsoring program you've got going. may god bless and i hope this helps! :)
* image provided by her is an image of a girl from cambodia, not africa,
and she didn't want to use a picture that she did not take off anywhere else in fear of copy-right infringement