feeling rather cheerful after sleeping in today! Nothing beats lying in bed, reading a really good thrifted book i got at $2 and drinking a steaming cup of swiss hot chocolate! i left my house wearing my playsuit as a top, my shorts the wrong way round, my belt crooked and my laptop case as a bag, pretty much carefree. My friend said i was nuts, but i didn't mind and we went to Sephora afterwards and painted all my nails in different colours... i love being my usual childish and immature self. ☺

sat at the steps outside a shopping mall - i miss sitting and observing random people like used to when i had so much spare time 2 years ago. The sadness is starting to seep in as type and i don't want to think about all the things i can't do anymore, instead focus on the things i can.

what i'm wearing : premium playsuit with bow detail, ASOS, in playsuits
polka-dot flare shorts, in bottoms
floral headband, accessorize, in accessories
bow flats, Kimchi Blue, in shoes
Legacy striped laptop sleve, Coach, in bags
the bright threads are starting to lighten the mood again. Somehow, nothing i'm wearing today is vintage at all, but i sort of look the part! Back to my deliciously good book and my sushi dinner, BYE!